Ion Training Kits   Available

    Ion Arms



Please read this !

Maybe you are already  a Martial Artist, Or maybe you are one of the lucky few who have found there way to my site & are just contemplating starting a Martial Art or Kung Fu .   Whatever brought you here  does not matter ,  However that you are here Does !
If you are a Martial Artist Already then you have no doubt exhausted yourself trying to find a
GENUINE source for Ion Palm or Ion Body Chi Kung instruction.
There are in fact many that lay claim to have the expertise & skills needed to give Instruction in this area, However sadly this isn't the case, There are infact very few GENUINE instructors with the knoll age to give you SAFE Instruction in the various aspects of the Yi Gin Ching ( Muscle Tendon Changing Classic) Which is what Ion Body Kung Derived & owes its existence to.
Most People Including (would be instructors) Do not even have the correct understanding of Ion Kung & mistakenly refer to it as Iron Kung or Iron Body It is in fact ION as in atom . Not Iron as in steel.
This energy is Bio Electrical energy , Or Chi ,Or Qi, Or Zen & Yin & Yang, etc.
 It is an Energy that is built within the body through both Wei Dan (External)& Nei Dan (Internal)Training methods.
So It is important to make sure that before Purchasing any training kits ,you need to know that you have available to you the follow up training needed to be given by a qualified Sifu (Teacher).
In Yin Yang After you have purchased our Kits you will be given 1 free training to show you how to use the Kit correctly, You will also be given a Video demonstrating the specific training method for the training technique that you have purchased ,Also on this video will be a section   WITH TRULY AMAZING DEMONSTRATIONS On it, You will be amazed at what you see & in no time at all you will have acquired the technique for yourself  !
If You are inquiring from Out side of New Zealand you will be trained via the internet with the use of Pal Talk
Free international Telephone Program ,If you do not have this you will be given a link that will direct you to a free download.
That way Sifu will be able to talk you through the training & give you advise on the techniques.
Sifu has been instructing the Ion Palm & the Ion Body for well over 20 years ,So you can be sure that you will only receive the finest instruction & Kits that are available anywhere !
Don't be left behind when it comes down to your Martial Arts whatever it may be , Just imagine how knowing these techniques could greatly improve your skills.