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White Lotus Foundation   is a traditional chinese internal martial Chi Kung school.
The school was founded by Sifu in 1980, Sifu is the Only known student of Master Lloyd ! Master Lloyd was student of Simpo Looh Simpo Pau & Simpo Cok of the  Internal inner circle foundation in Singapore.

About Simpo Lloyd

Master Lloyd is one of only 2 European Students (ever) excepted into the Internal Chi Kung Organization in Singapore, Stationed there for 19 years Master Lloyd went on to Cement himself in the record books as being one of the only people ever to remain undefeated in (all levels) of competition Challenges all throughout Asia. He Subsequently was never defeated !
On his return to NZ he Took on a student William Abbott and instructed him in the Basics and fundamentals of Genuine Internal Chi Kung Martial Kung Fu.
Master Lloyd has since retired and now it is up to Sifu Abbott to continue the Sacred task of insuring that a Continued Standard of internal Martial Chi Kung is Maintained and passed on to each new generation of students.

About Sifu Abbott

Sifu Started his training  well over 30 years ago .
Sifu first trained in   (FUNIKOSHI) KARATE The founder being Funikoshi Guchin  Funikoshi Guchin is  excepted as being  the  Master who was asked to introduced  Karate & to incorporate it into the lifestyles of the Japanese people.
Sifu studied Karate for many years, And after 12  years of full time training he attained the level of 4th degree Black Belt . It is important that the reader understands that full time training means that Sifu dedicated his life to the Martial Arts ,Where by he held no job & all his time was spent training under prominent masters sifu,s &  teachers.
It was then that Sifu was to meet his next Teacher ( Master Lloyd )
Sifu had obtained what was to be considered in the Western world as the higher accomplishments in Karate, & Sifu was becoming unsatisfied with his Karate, Because of this he had decided to take a step in a new direction & look into Kung Fu .
Around that time Simpo Lloyd had just returned to New Zealand after spending over ninteen years in Asia .
As "Fate" would have it ,Sifu had heard of master Lloyds return & had decided to try and arrange a meeting. This was to prove extreemly differcult  as Master Lloyd had no intentions of teaching a student. Eventually Sifu managed to get Master Lloyd to agree to a meeting.
After this meeting Sifu realized that Simpo was the Master that he had been looking for .
However  Simpo Lloyd was not convinced that he was the student ,So many of the initial training's were set to test Sifu & to decide weather he was to become the one of whom simpo Lloyd would bestow his wealth of knoll age on to.
After many tests Sifu was to become the  student of Simpo Lloyd.

Sifu  Was to under go intense internal Martial Kung Fu training , Where by he was instructed in the fundamentals of the Ion Body , And  the authentic internal techniques of the Ion Palm , Eagle Claw ,Snake Fist etc.

After Sifu had completed his training Much time later he was given permission to instruct others in the internal techniques that he had learned.
It was then that he was awarded the level of practicing Sifu .

Sifu instructed students in the following styles and techniques

Ion Body Kung  , Ion Arms-Legs , Ion Groin-neck, Ion Head.
Ion Palm, Ion Knife, Ion Monkey Palm, Ion Figures.

Fighting Systems

Eagle Claw , Praying Mantis 7th Star, Shaolin Ion Snake Fist , Northern Style Rolling Fist , Da Mo Palm & Fist Set , Shaolin Ion Dragon Fist , Ion Monkey Fist ,
Yang Style Tai Chi, Martial Chi Kung . Yi Gin Ching , Shii Soei Ching 4 step enlightenment Kung.

Wai Dan Training Techniques (External)
Nei Dan Meditations (Internal)

At this stage most of the training had had a martial flavor , And Sifu had become aware of a spiritual imbalance ,  At this stage  sifu had already attained high levels of  martial ability & had been training in the martial arts for over 20 years,However he became aware of an imbalance within himself.
It was at this point that Sifu underwent an  insight & realized that for one to be truly complete one must understand that
We are Mind  (Emotional Beings)
We are Body  (Physical Beings)
We are Spirit   (Spiritual Beings)
To much enthuses on one without the others  is like swimming against the current one can maintain ones  effort only in small duration's, Hence ending up at the beginning or even further back from where one started. This kind of training
will create imbalance and draw one always to the emotional state of unsatisfaction & ones attempts to find peace and contentment will always be in vain.
It was at this stage of  life that Sifu obtained a deepened sense of insight .
It was then that Sifu took of a number of years from training others( 4 years) and spent this time cleansing his own Mind Body & Spirit creating harmony in his existence & forming what was to become the 2 path training method better suited for the level of spiritual awareness that exists today.
After returning from his 4 years of meditation & training ,Sifu is now searching for 10 students ,They will become permanent deciples of Yin Yang Spiritual Kung Fu.They will be instructed  in the new teachings ! Together Sifu & the new deciples  are making steps to found the WHITE LOTUS FOUNDATION  This is a foundation dedicated to the task of helping others find inner understanding and spiritual awakening hence creating a balance of mind body & spirit.
Sifu realizes that there are many paths to understanding ones true nature & that  no path is right over another .
For this reason Sifu has founded 3  associations.

1 WHITE LOTUS KUNG FU  ( Suited to those who have a passion for the Martial Arts ,But have found that the art that they are practicing isn't fulfilling them
physically ,psychologically or spiritually. Hense they have a feeling of dissatisfaction and emptiness within there being.

2 WHITE LOTUS CHI KUNG ( Suited to those who have already an understanding  of mind body and spirit ,However haven't been able to find a path that coincides with there level of understanding .
Maybe you have a deepened understanding ,& you understand that there are many paths to enlightenment , & you to believe that although peoples paths may differ none are right over the other, Each only suited to there level of cultivation .
And rather then bother with another's path better that You spend that effort inwardly and meditate or train to cultivate your mind bodies & spirit.

3 WHITE LOTUS Healing Clinic  ( This is suited to those who have injuries or illnesses , Whereby these ailment s are diminishing there capacity to cultivate the mind body & spirit.
Here they will be taught eastern  healing meditations and techniques designed to help them with physiological  or spiritual imbalances.
They will be shown how to energize the mind body & spirit.
The key is to pass on to the student or patient the tools needed to be healthy happy And spiritually satisfied.

Sifu at this time is working towards building a Temple , This Temple will function as a place where all members of the White Lotus ,WHITE LOTUS KUNG FU & the WHITE LOTUS Chi Kung Schools can at any time for any duration come and train in the higher aspects of the training.